purpose in presenting this paper is to give a quick overview of a
whole new concept of existence. I will not delve into the details of
how this is because I want to present the big picture and not get
sidetracked in fine details. I have a published a little book called
“Are We Just Bubbles” that goes into the specifics a little
further if anyone is interested. The book can be found on line at
Amazon or other book outlets.
Because our current thoughts on the
existence of the Universe are based on observations that we have
made, and those observations are based on basic
units of measure that we have assumed to be constant, we might be in
error if those assumptions are not true. I believe that I have
discovered a whole new way we can be existing and still see the
Universe as we currently do. This concept deviates radically from
the traditional Big Bang idea of what the Universe is, and provides causes for the mysterious invisible actions of gravity and inertia, the space-time connection, speed of light mystery, etc. and the definition of energy with its mass-energy equivalence.
Instead of
everything being present at a point in the beginning as energy, this
“Big Fizz” concept proposes that the Universe is in a perpetual
state of creation from within every point in the Universe.
our everyday experiences, we think of expansion of an object much
like the inflation of a balloon. The three dimensional volume of
space that the object occupies grows with the passage of time. We
consider space as fixed and independent of object expansion. The Big
Bang model assumes that all of what the Universe is was contained in
a point like volume at its very beginning near the beginning
of time, and has been expanding since. Our three dimensional x,y,z
space is measured in units of length such as the meter, and we assume
that our length measurement is constant throughout all of empty
space, even that which the Universe does yet not occupy. We assume
that length dimensions as we use them remains constant in that new
space. For instance, if a tennis ball was at the boundary of the
Universe, and it moved out further due to expansion, the tennis ball
would still maintain its original size and volume (as we measure it)
in the new space. We assume that the empty space within our Universe
is the same as that outside of our Universe, and that matter can
travel through that space the same as it does within our Universe
In the early twentieth century, Einstein showed that
space and time are connected, and that they are not independent of
one another. And somehow, this space-time fabric is warped by
gravity. We have no clue why that is. Einstein predicted it through
his mathematical modeling in the theory of relativity, and it has
been observed to be true, but mathematics is not the cause of the action. Mother
nature acts according to her will, not because of our logic. And to
complicate matters, late in the twentieth century, it was discovered
that there is no particular center point to the Universe expansion.
It appears the expansion is centered everywhere, that is, expansion
from any point in the Universe is always outward.
conceptually this is a difficult thing to grasp. How can this be?
All expansion that we are familiar with always has a point about
which the whole thing is expanding. Why isn't the Universe expanding
around its original point that was at the beginning of time? You
will see some try to show this like an expanding balloon with points
marked on it. Everywhere on the surface of the balloon, the dots
grow further and further apart with balloon inflation. But really
this is only a curved 2D surface model. How do you model it in 3D?
Some have used the raisins in a muffin analogy where the raisins get
further and further apart as the dough rises. But this is hard to
understand too since it can't be related to the Big Bang model
So now with all of the complicated factors of General
Relativity, Hubble expansion, and the space-time gravity connections,
how are we going to develop a model that will describe all of this
behavior accurately? In order to do this we must go back to the very
beginning and make sure we haven't overlooked something in our
assumptions that might be causing the quandary.
Length is one of the main measurements we use when
making observations in our Universe. It appears to us to be constant
with time. We also assume that it is constant throughout the
Universe. Additionally, we assume that a volume of empty space in
our Universe, which has length cubed units, is constant with time and
is consistent throughout the Universe. Or in other words, we assume
that the space medium in which all of the Universe is contained is
consistent throughout and doesn't change with time. This assumption
is what makes it hard to see why the Universe is expanding about any
point that is picked within it. We think that space can't expand
because we think of it as empty. How can nothingness expand?
Let's go back to the very basic idea of length
measurements and examine them. What do we do when we measure the
length of something? Length measurements are essentially the act of
comparing two distances of space to one another. The very first
thing you unconsciously do is to assume that the object you are going
to measure is finite in length (has a beginning and end) and that it
is constant (not changing in length while you try to measure it).
Then you take another finite and constant object which was set up as
a measurement standard length (a ruler), and compare that to the
length of the object being measured. For instance, to measure a
line drawn on a piece of paper, you have to find the line's beginning
and ending points. Then to measure the line in some measurement
units, you take the fixed length reference (a ruler) and compare it
to the line’s length. The comparison is done in the form of a
ratio, and the reference’s name becomes the units of measurement
(inches, meters, etc.). These units are then assigned to the ratio.
Length)/(Reference Length) units
we say that a line is 0.1 cm long, what we really mean is that the
line starting at zero
ends at a fractional
ratio of 1/10 of our reference’s one centimeter length. The one
centimeter reference is based upon a tangible unchanging standard.
Both the reference and the line being measured have a beginning and
an end. Typically, we have a ruler which may be multiple standard
lengths long, and this ruler has graduations on it in fractional and
integer multiples of the reference length.
the left of 1 we have linear fractional divisions to the finest
degree, and we define the beginning of the ruler as zero length. To
the right of 1 we have linear graduations in integer multiples of the
reference and fractional subdivisions between each of them. With the
ruler, we can read off the ratio of the measured length to the
reference length directly. For instance, to measure a line, the
beginning points of the ruler and the line are placed upon one
another (coincident) beyond any discernible fractional increment, and
we define this as the beginning point (at zero length). The ending
point of the line being measured is matched coincident upon the ruler
to the finest degree, and the measurement ratio is read directly off
of the ruler.
addition to measuring actual objects that have length, we commonly
use the concept of applying a negative length to represent the length
of absent objects. For example we might say the board was two inches
too long and we need to add minus two inches to it (cut it off) to
make it the right length. Or if the board was too short, we might
need to take off the negative two inches (add two inches to it). But
remember, this is just a way to adjust real objects, and these
negative length objects do not actually exist in the physical
vs. a Measurable Quantity
love you forever and ever and ever!” We've heard this before, and
some of us have even said it to the ones we love, but what is
forever? It's an idea that time has no end, and yet we have
experienced nothing in our surroundings, or even in the Universe that
would suggest that time goes on forever. Everything we have seen or
experienced has a time when it starts and when it ends, stars are
born, live and then die. We think the Universe is “exploding” as
time passes and that there was an almost zero time when it began.
We don't know if it has an end or not for sure, but we do know that
it appears to be expanding and “cooling” as though it will die a
frozen death. All physical objects (with mass) have a finite size,
and so on. So, let's really look at what infinity means in a finite
universe. We will start with the “length” concept of an infinite
thing that may not be so obvious is that an infinite line has no
beginning or end. Another thing is that if it exists, it always has
a positive length dimension. It is never zero or negative. So how
can we represent this line in a finite space so that we can deal with
it in our finite Universe? The answer is, we will only look at a
portion of it, and make a scale on it with measurement units that can
“slide” along the infinite line to adjust for whatever fixed
finite unit of measurements we are using. (The reason that infinite
lines are mentioned here is because if we consider our Universe
finite, and it is and has been expanding since it began, we need to
place ourselves and the Universe in the infinite empty Void that we
are expanding into.) Note that an infinite volume has no particular
origin, you can start anywhere.
Now to use infinity in our finite Universe, we can
pick an arbitrary fixed and constant length standard (a meter for
instance), and use that scale on our infinite ruler to measure
distances in our Universe. The ruler still has no beginning or end,
but we can start our measurement at the finest point discernible on
our open origin, and we can extend the other end as far as we need to
make the measurement at a distance from our starting point. In doing
this however, we have made the assumption that there has always been
a fixed and unchanging meter length relative to the space our
Universe is expanding into (absolute space). And that as far as we
know, this space might as well be infinite because we cannot see it
and see no bounds to it. We assume that the beginning point we have
chosen has always been there, even though the objects in the Universe
we are measuring may not have been there at one point in time.
The assumption that our meter reference is constant and
unchanging in absolute space might be false though. Our standards
may be unchanging relative to the Universe as we observe them, but
that doesn't necessarily mean they are unchanging to the absolute
space the Universe is expanding into. This is something that we
cannot see and is outside of our realm of observation.
I propose that there are actually six dimensions of
length measurement; three that are seen and three that are not seen.
There are the three familiar visible X,Y,Z Cartesian coordinates of
space that are measured in meters, and there are the three X',Y',Z'
invisible coordinates of the infinite Void that the Universe is
expanding into which has to be measured with a ruler in units based
upon the initial size of the Universe at its onset, and whose units are unchanging with the passage of Universe time and expansion. These units I have named as Prinches, the initial diameter of the Universe when it came into existence.
Our Universe is composed of a fundamental component; a
finite amount of invisible expanding Space Bubbles that are invisibly expanding into the infinite Void in Princh units. They are the
only component the entire Universe is made of, and there is nowhere
that these bubbles do not exist in our Universe. Our visible space
is composed of the least dense of these bubbles with a density of
one. The invisible X',Y',Z' volume expansion of these bubbles from
within into the infinite empty Void is what causes all of the
physical properties of the Universe: Energy, Time, Gravity, Inertia, Electromagnetic Energy, fields of all types, etc. There is nothing
else in our Universe! These invisible bubbles make up all matter
and vacuum space. Visible matter is just a dense “clump” of
space bubbles, and the mass of the matter is directly proportional to
the density of the space bubbles relative to the vacuum space
bubbles (whose density is unity).
As previously stated, vacuum space is composed entirely
and solely of vacuum space bubbles with no voids between them. This
3D matrix of bubbles is stationary within the expanding Universe.
Objects of matter with mass can move within the stationary vacuum
space medium, and this is the motion that we can detect and observe.
However, vacuum space and all matter is expanding invisibly in 3
dimensional X',Y',Z' absolute dimensions into the Void at a rate that
defines the speed of light!
All measurements of distance that we can observe are not
actually constant in the Void space. Visible distance measurements
and movement of matter in Universe space are relative to the apparent
stationary vacuum space medium. Visible length measurements are made
by comparing two distances of visible space to one another, which is
essentially equivalent to comparing a quantity of space bubbles to
one another. But since all of the bubbles are expanding from within,
we cannot see the absolute expansion, only that the quantity of
bubbles between the two measured points has remained constant or has
As I mentioned earlier, all of the intangible properties
of the Universe are due to the invisible expansion of space bubbles
from within. These bubbles are forcefully trying to expand against
one another, and as a result form into flat sided polyhedrons with no
voids between them. Since the expansion forces within each bubble
are equal, an equilibrium in the overall expansion rate of vacuum
space is reached, and an effective “space pressure” develops in
the space medium. This pressure may not be consistent throughout all
of Universe space, and might vary depending upon the position of the
volume being considered relative to the Universe boundaries. The
closer to the boundary one gets, the weaker the space pressure, and
since the expansion rate is dependent upon the space pressure
(increases as the pressure gets lower), the expansion rate increases
as the boundary is approached.
All physical existence and associated properties of
the Universe are dependent upon the invisible expansion of space bubbles from within into the Void of absolute space!
Time is a function of the invisible linear
expansion of the space bubbles into the absolute space of the Void
(first order expansion). So, how about the space-time connection?
Anything affecting the linear expansion of space, such as a mass
moving through it at a significant speed relative to space expansion,
will also affect the passage of time in that space. Absolute energy
(could also be called the Dark Energy of Existence) is the third
order volume expansion of the space bubbles into the invisible
X',Y',Z' Void of Absolute Space. The visible energy that we observe
in our Universe is a result of a differential expansion between two
portions of Universe space. This happens when a mass of clumped
space bubbles suddenly expands to a higher absolute volume of space
relative to the surrounding space. This is the cause of the
apparent mass-energy equivalency, and the speed of light expansion
connection (E=mc^2). The visible energy always seems to be conserved because
the volume expansion with the amount of mass and the equivalent
visible energy exhibited is always constant, even though absolute
energy is being expended and is not conserved. This is also why
apparent entropy exists.
Gravity and inertial forces are due to the imbalance in
space pressure around objects of mass in a direction that is
perpendicular to tangential surfaces around the object (Z'
direction). The electromagnetic forces are due to the imbalance in
space pressure around objects of mass that are parallel to the
tangential surfaces around an object, and perpendicular to each other
(X',Y' direction) Any type of energy or forces traveling as waves
through space (such as electromagnetic energy or gravitational
forces), do so through ripples in the absolute expansion of space
passed one bubble to the other at the speed of expansion. This is
why light speed seems constant to us, even though it can vary in
different volumes of absolute space. When the space pressure
approaches the expansive pressure within the space bubbles, expansion
all but stops. When this happens as in a Black Hole, all of the
surrounding space continues to expand giving the appearance of matter
being condensed in the Black Hole. Also, since time depends upon the
linear expansion of space bubbles into Absolute Space, time approaches a stop, and no
light or ripples of expansion can be transmitted from it (causing it
to appear black).
(c) Dan Bowlds Dec. 2019
This stuff is truly brilliant and unfortunately rarely recognized.
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