Here is a letter that I sent to Stephen Hawking in 2012 (before his death on 03/14/2018) regarding the existence of the Universe. This man was a genius and has done a great deal in his lifetime to advance human knowledge, even though he was severely disabled. He did not believe in the existence of God. He claimed to be an Atheist, and he didn't believe in any life or consciousness after death (compared consciousness to a broken down computer and said that after life was a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark), but he did believe in the human spirit.
When I had the inspiration and vision about how the Universe could be existing in a different way, I felt compelled to share this information with those who had dedicated their lives to studying such. And so I have written many Cosmologists and Theoretical Physicists. A few have had the courtesy to respond, and some have even considered the possibility that it is the truth. I humbly sent this letter to Stephen with the hopes that he and his cohorts might consider what I had to say. I got no response or recognition. I hope he is wrong about the afterlife!
Most Honorable Professor
Stephen Hawking,
You once said in an
interview with Science Watch in 1994,
don't believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along
existing lines. We need something new. We can't predict what that
will be or when we will find it because if we knew that, we would
have found it already! It could come in the next 20 years, but
we might never find it."
and in your book "A
Brief History of Time" the concluding paragraph,
"However, if we
discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable by
everyone, not just by a few scientists. Then we shall all,
philosophers, scientists and just ordinary people, be able to take
part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the
universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the
ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind
of God."
I just want to say that I
believe the truth of the Universe's workings has been revealed to me
in a dream, and it came as a message from a metaphorical sparrow!
Yes, the actual truth of the physical reality in terms that we can
understand, not a mathematical theory. Now before you discount what
I say as the ramblings of an ignorant fool, I want you to know that I
am not sending this letter to seek any recognition for myself. I
only want to humbly share this vision and the message that I received
with you as a messenger. Maybe this vision is the beginning of what
you said about the ultimate theory eighteen years ago. I believe
that it is, and I accept it as the truth based on faith without any
proof. This message does not answer questions directly. The message
says, you must seek answers to your questions with humility, and with
this knowledge of the truth, you shall find them. There is something
in the message for everyone of all levels of intelligence and
I only have Bachelor's
degrees in applied mathematics and engineering, and like most
scientifically minded folks, I have always had a great interest in
what we are and where we came from. I believe in God, or some
higher power, and existence of things outside our realm of Universe
reality, but I do not claim any organized religion. I also believe
in the "spiritual", that is, things that exist but have no
evidence of physical reality that we can detect from our senses.
These are things like computer software, logic, mathematics, and the
laws of behavior of the Universe.
Before I give you the
"Message" though, I will briefly state my interpretation of
key elements of it, and the resulting implications. This is a
geometric model that shows the physical mechanism for the properties
of matter, and also the relationship between time and space, how mass
equates to energy, the reason for the speed of light limit, cause of
entropy, the one way arrow of time, how gravity works and why it is
only a "local" phenomenon with no need for "dark
matter" or "dark energy" to explain the seemingly
inconsistent expansion of the Universe with current theory. It also
ties everything to only one unifying creative source for everything
that physically exists.
- The Universe consists solely and entirely of an unimaginably large and finite set of identical but individual particles, each one unique in its individuality because it contains a creative source of Universe space within it.
- The Universe volume created by each particle is unique to itself, and no two particles can encroach on another's, nor can they share the same Universe volume. There are no voids of non-Universe space between any of the particles, and all particles must share sides with each other in various polyhedral shapes and configurations. The bounds of the substance of each particle makes up its boundaries. "Clumps" of these particles in different configurations make up all of the other matter with properties of mass.
- The Universe was not created in an instantaneous "Big Bang" event. It is a continuing process of creation in which each individual particle of the Universe is growing from within (albeit different rates based upon the particular configuration of surrounding particles), creating Universe space, and causing all that we see. Without this growth, nothing of the Universe exists. In our expanding Universe, our basic standard of length (meter) is expanding along with it. For length measurements involving Universe expansion, we must use an unchanging "absolute" length standard that is based upon the Universe's initial size before expansion began (in order to exist physically, it must have occupied a volume). Universe space cannot contract or go back where it came from. The condensing of matter into a black hole is only an illusion caused by the slowing of expansion of matter in it, while the rest of the Universe (including us) is continuing to expand.
- There is no "vacuum space" within our Universe, it is all made up of the least dense quantity of particles for a given volume of the Universe. Our Universe sits in an infinite void of positive space in which none of the properties of the Universe exist.
- Time is only a property of the Universe. Time is not "universal" or constant throughout the Universe. It is a scalar positive value that represents an average amount of absolute expansion a quantity of particles has undergone. It has units of absolute length and is (I believe) equivalent to the numerical absolute value of the cubed root of absolute volume (as defined in units of absolute length, not our expanding meter reference) of a given quantity of matter. As long as expansion continues, time passes. There is no zero time or beginning of time, because time coincides with the Universe's existence and did not exist before it.
- All forces existing in the Universe come from the expansive growth force within each particle. Each constituent particle occupies its own unique volume of the Universe which cannot be shared with any other particle. And each particle has within it an equal creative source of Universe space that forcibly expands its volume and unique Universe space. The growth force in each particle may be continuous or come in small discrete random steps, but since time is a function of expansion, we cannot tell on the particle level which it is. The only thing restricting the growth rate is the inability of one particle's volume to occupy another's, and that all particles must be in intimate contact with one another sharing common sides of other polyhedral shaped particles without any voids. If a particular particle's polyhedral shape restricts growth on one of the sides, the adjacent particle sharing that side will also have its growth restricted accordingly. In general, polyhedral shapes with fewer sides have a higher growth rate. These polyhedral shapes may be regular or highly irregular in shape.
- Absolute energy in the Universe is directly related to its absolute volume (units of absolute length^3), and is continually growing. This means that the Universe we know will never collapse, and the absolute energy and expansion of the Universe will always be in equilibrium. The energy that we experience (Joules) is related to absolute energy and is the result of a differential expansion in volume between two sets particles of the Universe, and is exhibited whenever the rate of expansion between the sets changes.
- This energy that we see is related to matter (or mass) by its quantity and the amount differential expansion in absolute volume.
- All "waves" of electromagnetic energy, gravity waves, etc. , propagate at the local speed of light (which is the expansion rate of the least dense particles in a given volume of Universe) by virtue of expansion ripples passed one to the other.
And now, here is the
"message" that I received which I am passing on to you:
this morning 09/12/2010 at 1:30am, a metaphorical sparrow awoke me
with a message. She said that she was sent by the One who knows, and
that I must get up and write this down accurately, lest I forget or
discard this as a silly dream, and that I must spread this as a
second messenger to all who will listen. Here is what the sparrow
I am sending this message through the simplest of
means so that all who seek the truth with humility can see it, and
can know the answers to questions that plague their minds. I do this
because arrogance has blinded all that possess it, and has been the
original cause of all your discord.
What are you?
You are only two things of all possibilities. One
portion of you is physical and is bound to the first thing, which is
the Universe. The other portion is your intangible spirit, which is
a second thing, and is similar to the laws that govern the Universe,
or in modern terms, software. Your two parts are separate and cannot
affect each other directly, even though they both are embodied in
Your Universe is just one finite thing of many
identical but individual pieces, and all of its apparent properties;
time, matter with its own properties, space, and energy, come from
one unifying source on a continuing basis. Its existence is the
result of what you think of as the expansion of space. It had no
beginning in the time sense, because time is only a property of the
Your spiritual intangible part is your conscious mind
that is aware, can reason and understand what I am saying. Like the
Universe, your spirit is continuing to be created and your knowledge
and awareness grows. You can use spiritual tools like mathematics,
to better understand the behavior of the Universe, but your
understanding and awareness of those laws still cannot affect them in
any way, nor can be the cause of any existence. Your confusion in
this matter comes because the behavior of the Universe is governed
by a spiritual type law which comes from outside of it, and is
similar to your own spiritual nature.
As for why you exist … because I love.
It is
now 3:00am, and I am finished writing. Going back to bed. Will
attempt to spread the message in the morning.
Dan Bowlds Feb. 2012
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