Monday, December 30, 2019

Six Dimension Space Expansion

My purpose in presenting this paper is to give a quick overview of a whole new concept of existence. I will not delve into the details of how this is because I want to present the big picture and not get sidetracked in fine details. I have a published a little book called “Are We Just Bubbles” that goes into the specifics a little further if anyone is interested. The book can be found on line at Amazon or other book outlets. 
 Because our current thoughts on the existence of the Universe are based on observations that we have made, and those observations are based on basic units of measure that we have assumed to be constant, we might be in error if those assumptions are not true. I believe that I have discovered a whole new way we can be existing and still see the Universe as we currently do. This concept deviates radically from the traditional Big Bang idea of what the Universe is, and provides causes for the mysterious invisible actions of gravity and inertia, the space-time connection, speed of light mystery, etc. and the definition of energy with its mass-energy equivalence.
 Instead of everything being present at a point in the beginning as energy, this “Big Fizz” concept proposes that the Universe is in a perpetual state of creation from within every point in the Universe.
In our everyday experiences, we think of expansion of an object much like the inflation of a balloon. The three dimensional volume of space that the object occupies grows with the passage of time. We consider space as fixed and independent of object expansion. The Big Bang model assumes that all of what the Universe is was contained in a point like volume at its very beginning near the beginning of time, and has been expanding since. Our three dimensional x,y,z space is measured in units of length such as the meter, and we assume that our length measurement is constant throughout all of empty space, even that which the Universe does yet not occupy. We assume that length dimensions as we use them remains constant in that new space. For instance, if a tennis ball was at the boundary of the Universe, and it moved out further due to expansion, the tennis ball would still maintain its original size and volume (as we measure it) in the new space. We assume that the empty space within our Universe is the same as that outside of our Universe, and that matter can travel through that space the same as it does within our Universe boundaries.
In the early twentieth century, Einstein showed that space and time are connected, and that they are not independent of one another. And somehow, this space-time fabric is warped by gravity. We have no clue why that is. Einstein predicted it through his mathematical modeling in the theory of relativity, and it has been observed to be true, but mathematics is not the cause of the action. Mother nature acts according to her will, not because of our logic. And to complicate matters, late in the twentieth century, it was discovered that there is no particular center point to the Universe expansion. It appears the expansion is centered everywhere, that is, expansion from any point in the Universe is always outward.
Now conceptually this is a difficult thing to grasp. How can this be? All expansion that we are familiar with always has a point about which the whole thing is expanding. Why isn't the Universe expanding around its original point that was at the beginning of time? You will see some try to show this like an expanding balloon with points marked on it. Everywhere on the surface of the balloon, the dots grow further and further apart with balloon inflation. But really this is only a curved 2D surface model. How do you model it in 3D? Some have used the raisins in a muffin analogy where the raisins get further and further apart as the dough rises. But this is hard to understand too since it can't be related to the Big Bang model easily.
So now with all of the complicated factors of General Relativity, Hubble expansion, and the space-time gravity connections, how are we going to develop a model that will describe all of this behavior accurately? In order to do this we must go back to the very beginning and make sure we haven't overlooked something in our assumptions that might be causing the quandary.
Length is one of the main measurements we use when making observations in our Universe. It appears to us to be constant with time. We also assume that it is constant throughout the Universe. Additionally, we assume that a volume of empty space in our Universe, which has length cubed units, is constant with time and is consistent throughout the Universe. Or in other words, we assume that the space medium in which all of the Universe is contained is consistent throughout and doesn't change with time. This assumption is what makes it hard to see why the Universe is expanding about any point that is picked within it. We think that space can't expand because we think of it as empty. How can nothingness expand?
Let's go back to the very basic idea of length measurements and examine them. What do we do when we measure the length of something? Length measurements are essentially the act of comparing two distances of space to one another. The very first thing you unconsciously do is to assume that the object you are going to measure is finite in length (has a beginning and end) and that it is constant (not changing in length while you try to measure it). Then you take another finite and constant object which was set up as a measurement standard length (a ruler), and compare that to the length of the object being measured. For instance, to measure a line drawn on a piece of paper, you have to find the line's beginning and ending points. Then to measure the line in some measurement units, you take the fixed length reference (a ruler) and compare it to the line’s length. The comparison is done in the form of a ratio, and the reference’s name becomes the units of measurement (inches, meters, etc.). These units are then assigned to the ratio.

(Object Length)/(Reference Length) units

When we say that a line is 0.1 cm long, what we really mean is that the line starting at zero ends at a fractional ratio of 1/10 of our reference’s one centimeter length. The one centimeter reference is based upon a tangible unchanging standard. Both the reference and the line being measured have a beginning and an end. Typically, we have a ruler which may be multiple standard lengths long, and this ruler has graduations on it in fractional and integer multiples of the reference length.

To the left of 1 we have linear fractional divisions to the finest degree, and we define the beginning of the ruler as zero length. To the right of 1 we have linear graduations in integer multiples of the reference and fractional subdivisions between each of them. With the ruler, we can read off the ratio of the measured length to the reference length directly. For instance, to measure a line, the beginning points of the ruler and the line are placed upon one another (coincident) beyond any discernible fractional increment, and we define this as the beginning point (at zero length). The ending point of the line being measured is matched coincident upon the ruler to the finest degree, and the measurement ratio is read directly off of the ruler.
In addition to measuring actual objects that have length, we commonly use the concept of applying a negative length to represent the length of absent objects. For example we might say the board was two inches too long and we need to add minus two inches to it (cut it off) to make it the right length. Or if the board was too short, we might need to take off the negative two inches (add two inches to it). But remember, this is just a way to adjust real objects, and these negative length objects do not actually exist in the physical universe.

Infinity vs. a Measurable Quantity

I'll love you forever and ever and ever!” We've heard this before, and some of us have even said it to the ones we love, but what is forever? It's an idea that time has no end, and yet we have experienced nothing in our surroundings, or even in the Universe that would suggest that time goes on forever. Everything we have seen or experienced has a time when it starts and when it ends, stars are born, live and then die. We think the Universe is “exploding” as time passes and that there was an almost zero time when it began. We don't know if it has an end or not for sure, but we do know that it appears to be expanding and “cooling” as though it will die a frozen death. All physical objects (with mass) have a finite size, and so on. So, let's really look at what infinity means in a finite universe. We will start with the “length” concept of an infinite line.
One thing that may not be so obvious is that an infinite line has no beginning or end. Another thing is that if it exists, it always has a positive length dimension. It is never zero or negative. So how can we represent this line in a finite space so that we can deal with it in our finite Universe? The answer is, we will only look at a portion of it, and make a scale on it with measurement units that can “slide” along the infinite line to adjust for whatever fixed finite unit of measurements we are using. (The reason that infinite lines are mentioned here is because if we consider our Universe finite, and it is and has been expanding since it began, we need to place ourselves and the Universe in the infinite empty Void that we are expanding into.)  Note that an infinite volume has no particular origin, you can start anywhere.
Now to use infinity in our finite Universe, we can pick an arbitrary fixed and constant length standard (a meter for instance), and use that scale on our infinite ruler to measure distances in our Universe. The ruler still has no beginning or end, but we can start our measurement at the finest point discernible on our open origin, and we can extend the other end as far as we need to make the measurement at a distance from our starting point. In doing this however, we have made the assumption that there has always been a fixed and unchanging meter length relative to the space our Universe is expanding into (absolute space). And that as far as we know, this space might as well be infinite because we cannot see it and see no bounds to it. We assume that the beginning point we have chosen has always been there, even though the objects in the Universe we are measuring may not have been there at one point in time.
The assumption that our meter reference is constant and unchanging in absolute space might be false though. Our standards may be unchanging relative to the Universe as we observe them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are unchanging to the absolute space the Universe is expanding into. This is something that we cannot see and is outside of our realm of observation.
I propose that there are actually six dimensions of length measurement; three that are seen and three that are not seen. There are the three familiar visible X,Y,Z Cartesian coordinates of space that are measured in meters, and there are the three X',Y',Z' invisible coordinates of the infinite Void that the Universe is expanding into which has to be measured with a ruler in units based upon the initial size of the Universe at its onset, and whose units are unchanging with the passage of Universe time and expansion.  These units I have named as Prinches, the initial diameter of the Universe when it came into existence.
Our Universe is composed of a fundamental component; a finite amount of invisible expanding Space Bubbles that are invisibly expanding into the infinite Void in Princh units. They are the only component the entire Universe is made of, and there is nowhere that these bubbles do not exist in our Universe. Our visible space is composed of the least dense of these bubbles with a density of one. The invisible X',Y',Z' volume expansion of these bubbles from within into the infinite empty Void is what causes all of the physical properties of the Universe: Energy, Time, Gravity, Inertia, Electromagnetic Energy, fields of all types, etc. There is nothing else in our Universe! These invisible bubbles make up all matter and vacuum space. Visible matter is just a dense “clump” of space bubbles, and the mass of the matter is directly proportional to the density of the space bubbles relative to the vacuum space bubbles (whose density is unity).
As previously stated, vacuum space is composed entirely and solely of vacuum space bubbles with no voids between them. This 3D matrix of bubbles is stationary within the expanding Universe. Objects of matter with mass can move within the stationary vacuum space medium, and this is the motion that we can detect and observe. However, vacuum space and all matter is expanding invisibly in 3 dimensional X',Y',Z' absolute dimensions into the Void at a rate that defines the speed of light!
All measurements of distance that we can observe are not actually constant in the Void space. Visible distance measurements and movement of matter in Universe space are relative to the apparent stationary vacuum space medium. Visible length measurements are made by comparing two distances of visible space to one another, which is essentially equivalent to comparing a quantity of space bubbles to one another. But since all of the bubbles are expanding from within, we cannot see the absolute expansion, only that the quantity of bubbles between the two measured points has remained constant or has changed.
As I mentioned earlier, all of the intangible properties of the Universe are due to the invisible expansion of space bubbles from within. These bubbles are forcefully trying to expand against one another, and as a result form into flat sided polyhedrons with no voids between them. Since the expansion forces within each bubble are equal, an equilibrium in the overall expansion rate of vacuum space is reached, and an effective “space pressure” develops in the space medium. This pressure may not be consistent throughout all of Universe space, and might vary depending upon the position of the volume being considered relative to the Universe boundaries. The closer to the boundary one gets, the weaker the space pressure, and since the expansion rate is dependent upon the space pressure (increases as the pressure gets lower), the expansion rate increases as the boundary is approached.
All physical existence and associated properties of the Universe are dependent upon the invisible expansion of space bubbles from within into the Void of absolute space!
 Time is a function of the invisible linear expansion of the space bubbles into the absolute space of the Void (first order expansion). So, how about the space-time connection? Anything affecting the linear expansion of space, such as a mass moving through it at a significant speed relative to space expansion, will also affect the passage of time in that space. Absolute energy (could also be called the Dark Energy of Existence) is the third order volume expansion of the space bubbles into the invisible X',Y',Z' Void of Absolute Space. The visible energy that we observe in our Universe is a result of a differential expansion between two portions of Universe space. This happens when a mass of clumped space bubbles suddenly expands to a higher absolute volume of space relative to the surrounding space. This is the cause of the apparent mass-energy equivalency, and the speed of light expansion connection (E=mc^2). The visible energy always seems to be conserved because the volume expansion with the amount of mass and the equivalent visible energy exhibited is always constant, even though absolute energy is being expended and is not conserved. This is also why apparent entropy exists.
Gravity and inertial forces are due to the imbalance in space pressure around objects of mass in a direction that is perpendicular to tangential surfaces around the object (Z' direction). The electromagnetic forces are due to the imbalance in space pressure around objects of mass that are parallel to the tangential surfaces around an object, and perpendicular to each other (X',Y' direction) Any type of energy or forces traveling as waves through space (such as electromagnetic energy or gravitational forces), do so through ripples in the absolute expansion of space passed one bubble to the other at the speed of expansion. This is why light speed seems constant to us, even though it can vary in different volumes of absolute space. When the space pressure approaches the expansive pressure within the space bubbles, expansion all but stops. When this happens as in a Black Hole, all of the surrounding space continues to expand giving the appearance of matter being condensed in the Black Hole. Also, since time depends upon the linear expansion of space bubbles into Absolute Space, time approaches a stop, and no light or ripples of expansion can be transmitted from it (causing it to appear black).
(c) Dan Bowlds Dec. 2019

Friday, March 30, 2018

Letter to Stephen Hawking 2012

Here is a letter that I sent to Stephen Hawking in 2012 (before his death on 03/14/2018) regarding the existence of the Universe.  This man was a genius and has done a great deal in his lifetime to advance human knowledge, even though he was severely disabled.  He did not believe in the existence of God.  He claimed to be an Atheist, and he didn't believe in any life or consciousness after death (compared consciousness to a broken down computer and said that after life was a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark), but he did believe  in the human spirit.    
When I had the inspiration and vision about how the Universe could be existing in a different way, I felt compelled to share this information with those who had dedicated their lives to studying such.  And so I have written many Cosmologists and Theoretical Physicists.  A few have had the courtesy to respond, and some have even considered the possibility that it is the truth.   I humbly sent this letter to Stephen with the hopes that he and his cohorts might consider what I had to say.  I got no response or recognition.  I hope he is wrong about the afterlife!     

Most Honorable Professor Stephen Hawking,

You once said in an interview with Science Watch in 1994,

"I don't believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new. We can't predict what that will be or when we will find it because if we knew that, we would have found it already! It could come in the next 20 years, but we might never find it."

and in your book "A Brief History of Time" the concluding paragraph,

"However, if we discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable by everyone, not just by a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God." 

I just want to say that I believe the truth of the Universe's workings has been revealed to me in a dream, and it came as a message from a metaphorical sparrow! Yes, the actual truth of the physical reality in terms that we can understand, not a mathematical theory. Now before you discount what I say as the ramblings of an ignorant fool, I want you to know that I am not sending this letter to seek any recognition for myself. I only want to humbly share this vision and the message that I received with you as a messenger. Maybe this vision is the beginning of what you said about the ultimate theory eighteen years ago. I believe that it is, and I accept it as the truth based on faith without any proof. This message does not answer questions directly. The message says, you must seek answers to your questions with humility, and with this knowledge of the truth, you shall find them. There is something in the message for everyone of all levels of intelligence and knowledge.

I only have Bachelor's degrees in applied mathematics and engineering, and like most scientifically minded folks, I have always had a great interest in what we are and where we came from. I believe in God, or some higher power, and existence of things outside our realm of Universe reality, but I do not claim any organized religion. I also believe in the "spiritual", that is, things that exist but have no evidence of physical reality that we can detect from our senses. These are things like computer software, logic, mathematics, and the laws of behavior of the Universe.
Before I give you the "Message" though, I will briefly state my interpretation of key elements of it, and the resulting implications. This is a geometric model that shows the physical mechanism for the properties of matter, and also the relationship between time and space, how mass equates to energy, the reason for the speed of light limit, cause of entropy, the one way arrow of time, how gravity works and why it is only a "local" phenomenon with no need for "dark matter" or "dark energy" to explain the seemingly inconsistent expansion of the Universe with current theory. It also ties everything to only one unifying creative source for everything that physically exists.

  • The Universe consists solely and entirely of an unimaginably large and finite set of identical but individual particles, each one unique in its individuality because it contains a creative source of Universe space within it.
  • The Universe volume created by each particle is unique to itself, and no two particles can encroach on another's, nor can they share the same Universe volume. There are no voids of non-Universe space between any of the particles, and all particles must share sides with each other in various polyhedral shapes and configurations. The bounds of the substance of each particle makes up its boundaries. "Clumps" of these particles in different configurations make up all of the other matter with properties of mass.
  • The Universe was not created in an instantaneous "Big Bang" event. It is a continuing process of creation in which each individual particle of the Universe is growing from within (albeit different rates based upon the particular configuration of surrounding particles), creating Universe space, and causing all that we see. Without this growth, nothing of the Universe exists. In our expanding Universe, our basic standard of length (meter) is expanding along with it. For length measurements involving Universe expansion, we must use an unchanging "absolute" length standard that is based upon the Universe's initial size before expansion began (in order to exist physically, it must have occupied a volume). Universe space cannot contract or go back where it came from. The condensing of matter into a black hole is only an illusion caused by the slowing of expansion of matter in it, while the rest of the Universe (including us) is continuing to expand.
  • There is no "vacuum space" within our Universe, it is all made up of the least dense quantity of particles for a given volume of the Universe. Our Universe sits in an infinite void of positive space in which none of the properties of the Universe exist.
  • Time is only a property of the Universe. Time is not "universal" or constant throughout the Universe. It is a scalar positive value that represents an average amount of absolute expansion a quantity of particles has undergone. It has units of absolute length and is (I believe) equivalent to the numerical absolute value of the cubed root of absolute volume (as defined in units of absolute length, not our expanding meter reference) of a given quantity of matter. As long as expansion continues, time passes. There is no zero time or beginning of time, because time coincides with the Universe's existence and did not exist before it.
  • All forces existing in the Universe come from the expansive growth force within each particle. Each constituent particle occupies its own unique volume of the Universe which cannot be shared with any other particle. And each particle has within it an equal creative source of Universe space that forcibly expands its volume and unique Universe space. The growth force in each particle may be continuous or come in small discrete random steps, but since time is a function of expansion, we cannot tell on the particle level which it is. The only thing restricting the growth rate is the inability of one particle's volume to occupy another's, and that all particles must be in intimate contact with one another sharing common sides of other polyhedral shaped particles without any voids. If a particular particle's polyhedral shape restricts growth on one of the sides, the adjacent particle sharing that side will also have its growth restricted accordingly. In general, polyhedral shapes with fewer sides have a higher growth rate. These polyhedral shapes may be regular or highly irregular in shape.

  • Absolute energy in the Universe is directly related to its absolute volume (units of absolute length^3), and is continually growing. This means that the Universe we know will never collapse, and the absolute energy and expansion of the Universe will always be in equilibrium. The energy that we experience (Joules) is related to absolute energy and is the result of a differential expansion in volume between two sets particles of the Universe, and is exhibited whenever the rate of expansion between the sets changes.
  • This energy that we see is related to matter (or mass) by its quantity and the amount differential expansion in absolute volume.
  • All "waves" of electromagnetic energy, gravity waves, etc. , propagate at the local speed of light (which is the expansion rate of the least dense particles in a given volume of Universe) by virtue of expansion ripples passed one to the other.

And now, here is the "message" that I received which I am passing on to you:

Just this morning 09/12/2010 at 1:30am, a metaphorical sparrow awoke me with a message. She said that she was sent by the One who knows, and that I must get up and write this down accurately, lest I forget or discard this as a silly dream, and that I must spread this as a second messenger to all who will listen. Here is what the sparrow said:
I am sending this message through the simplest of means so that all who seek the truth with humility can see it, and can know the answers to questions that plague their minds. I do this because arrogance has blinded all that possess it, and has been the original cause of all your discord.
What are you?
You are only two things of all possibilities. One portion of you is physical and is bound to the first thing, which is the Universe. The other portion is your intangible spirit, which is a second thing, and is similar to the laws that govern the Universe, or in modern terms, software. Your two parts are separate and cannot affect each other directly, even though they both are embodied in you.
Your Universe is just one finite thing of many identical but individual pieces, and all of its apparent properties; time, matter with its own properties, space, and energy, come from one unifying source on a continuing basis. Its existence is the result of what you think of as the expansion of space. It had no beginning in the time sense, because time is only a property of the Universe.
Your spiritual intangible part is your conscious mind that is aware, can reason and understand what I am saying. Like the Universe, your spirit is continuing to be created and your knowledge and awareness grows. You can use spiritual tools like mathematics, to better understand the behavior of the Universe, but your understanding and awareness of those laws still cannot affect them in any way, nor can be the cause of any existence. Your confusion in this matter comes because the behavior of the Universe is governed by a spiritual type law which comes from outside of it, and is similar to your own spiritual nature.
As for why you exist … because I love.
It is now 3:00am, and I am finished writing. Going back to bed. Will attempt to spread the message in the morning.
Dan Bowlds Feb. 2012

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Universe is Just Bubbles!

If our Universe is not infinite, what exists outside of it? What is the definition of nothing?  Is the nothingness infinite?  Is there such a thing as a meter outside of our Universe?  Does time exist outside of our Universe?
In order to answer these questions, we must have a clear understanding of what time and distance are. Mass, length, and time are the dimensions we use to describe and quantify all that we see happening in our Universe, and if we don't know what they really are, or have made false assumptions about what they are, then in Isaac Newton's words: “A man may imagine things that are false, but he only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.”
Isaac Newton
How then do we determine what is true and what is false? We start by making preliminary assumptions about something that appears to always be true,  and then by observation we see if it is ever not true.
Up until the twentieth century, we did not question what time or distance measurements were. We did not understand why these things were, but we thought that a meter could be precisely defined by the length of a piece of metal that was held at a constant given temperature, and that time could be defined on this earth by the swing of a pendulum of given length in a stationary environment. We made the assumption that these things were always constant and consistent throughout the Universe. Then Albert came along and made the preposterous claim that the movement of matter through a distance in space with time is not independent, and the velocity affects both the passage of time in that space and even affects the mass properties of the matter being moved. Those claims, when observations were made to confirm them, changed our thinking about what time and distance measurements in space were. We now call it space-time. But we are still in the dark about what these things really are and how they exist. Answers to the  questions I posed at the beginning of this paper are not so clear when we really don't know what space and time are.
So, how do we distinguish those things which are true from those which are false or only partially true? The answer is, we look for things that are in disagreement with what we believe is true. In this sense, nothing is ever proven to be true unless there are never any  observations that can be made to disprove it.  Even at that, we might not be able to say what we believe is unconditionally true though.  We would also have to prove that there are no other possible ways in which what we observe can be happening other than the way we think they are happening for it to be absolutely true.
Mathematical formulation of physical behavior can be useful in describing and predicting the actions that we see, but it is only a model of the behavior. Remember that mathematics is only a mind tool that helps us to understand the behavior of things, and is not the cause of any physical existence or its behavior. Mother Nature acts independently of our will and reason.
In order to advance our knowledge, we have to rely on our imagination and creativity to come up with new ways of how things can exist when we see that there are problems with our current thinking on how things work. Once conceived, we can proceed with the work of trying to find ways to disprove the new ideas. A wise man once said, “The biggest mistakes are made in the beginning.” And certainly, if you made a false assumption in the beginning of an investigation, and you base all of your work around that, then the “proof” of what you claim to be true, based on that assumption, comes tumbling down when that foundation pillar is knocked out. But that doesn't mean that all of the work of characterization and defining the behavior is wasted. It just means that what you have been observing is happening in a different way than you thought. All of that work can be applied to disproving the new idea if it is not the whole truth. In this way we can advance our knowledge and understanding if it is done objectively and without political bias. (There are some scientists, especially in academia, who are strongly political, and they do a great disservice to the advancement of knowledge. The cause of this is arrogance, and its intent is to establish superiority and control over others. This goes way back, even to the time of Plato and Democritus. )
So with this prelude, I am going to present my imaginative vision of physical existence, and answer the questions I posed at the beginning of this paper.
Is the Universe infinite, and if not, what is outside of it? Is nothingness infinite? My belief is that the Universe is finite, mainly because it couldn't expand if it was infinite. Finite means that it has bounds beyond which nothing that we can relate to in our Universe exists. That's not to say that there may be things existing that we cannot detect with our Universe bound abilities though. If the Universe is finite, then the nothingness outside of it cannot be quantified, implying that it could be infinite. The logic of this is, if our Universe has limits then there are no limits on how much there can be of non-Universe. Of course this cannot be proven or disproved because it is outside the bounds of our reality.
Well then, if our Universe is finite, what defines its boundaries and what is the Universe made of? The Universe encompasses all that we experience in our physical reality; time, space, energy, forces, matter … , but it does not encompass the spiritual; logic, reason, consciousness, intellect, and the software of life. I distinguish here the adaptive evolutionary software of life from the physical host that it resides in. The spiritual parts, and life, are not directly bound to the Universe. The spiritual and physical cannot directly affect each other. The physical Universe and its laws is not the cause of life, and life or associated spiritual parts cannot change the physical behavior of the Universe.
What does the physical Universe consist of, and how do all of the things we see, exist? Here is my vision of what the physical Universe is:
  • The Universe consists of a fixed quantity of only one type of thing. I will call these things “Space Bubbles”. These bubbles all have identical properties, but are individual and consist solely of their own space bubble material that is invisible to us. The bubbles cannot share their portion of Universe space with any other, and all of Universe space must be occupied by these bubbles and their bubble material.  No voids of non-universe space is allowed in our Universe.  Vacuum space bubbles are the least dense bubbles and have unity mass.  Matter space bubbles occur in clumped groups which have a higher density than the vacuum space which gives them the property of mass, and the density ratio is proportional to the mass of the matter.
  • Each bubble has a creative source of its own bubble material within it that is forcefully expanding it against the bubbles surrounding it. This creative expansion action of the bubbles, and their interaction with each other, is the cause of all the properties of the Universe, and ultimately is the cause of all physical existence. In other words, I am saying that the Big Bang never was, and that the Universe is in a constant state of creation due to the creative expansion within all of the space bubbles.
Now if Albert Einstein's statement about the connection between space, time, matter and gravity was deemed preposterous and caused tremors in the academic ranks, my statements will no doubt cause an earthquake of absurdity and a fiery volcano of ridicule in such places! But since all of our observations are based on dimensions of time, distance/space, and mass, and these things are all a function of the space bubble expansion in order to observe it, the burden will be on the skeptics to disprove my idea of existence. I have shown in my book how all of what we observe can be caused by the bubble expansion, but there can be no proof to show that it is correct. We can only find that it is incorrect by observations that are in disagreement with it. In order to disprove it though, time, mass, distance, energy, etc. will all have to be redefined in the new terms of an expanding Universe. We cannot use the existing definition of what they are now because the current assumption of what they are is wrong in my view. It will be up to others to show why the Universe cannot exist in the way I propose, and to confirm that the actions we see cannot be happening because of them.
To those with an open mind and a humble heart, and those who are on a true quest for the truth of our existence, here are some meaningful things for you to consider!  You can take what already has been learned about the behavior of the Universe from those who have preceded you, and with this new insight of how the Universe  could be existing, explore the possibility of coming to a better understanding of what we are.

I have written a little book about this called “Are We Just Bubbles? An Alternate View of Existence” and there is more detail in how this all works if you are interested. They are available on Amazon or Lulu publishers on demand.

Dan Bowlds

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Ultimate Atom

Democritus, a Greek philosopher before Socrates, was the first to suggest the existence of the atom about 2,400 years ago. He thought that everything was composed of "atoms", which were the invisible components of the Universe (Universe then was thought to be Earth centered and smaller than it is now). These atoms were indestructible, consisted of all kinds of different shapes and sizes, and there was an infinite number of them. In between atoms there was supposedly an empty space of nothingness, (a Void if you will). He thought atoms have always been and would always be in motion. Regarding mass, which he would have equated to weight, Democritus said, "The more any indivisible exceeds, the heavier it is", meaning that the more there is to an indivisible atom, the heavier it is.
Democritus was no doubt a genius to envision such a thing in his age of existence. It was said that he was a jolly man, kidding and poking fun, and more interested in finding out about our physical existence than anything else. He was pretty much ignored by his fellow philosophers in Athens, and Plato disliked Democritus' philosophies so much that he wanted all of his books burned.
It is amazing to see how much of what he believed is still relevant now! Even though the first modern interpretation of atoms, the Bohr model, was found to be composed of even smaller parts (electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.) and atoms were “divisible”, Democritus' atoms still persisted as the subatomic components of the elemental atoms. And his ideas of mass in physical objects containing “indivisible exceeds” relates to the quantity of subatomic particles within an atom. He also said there was a 3D empty space in which all of this “stuff” could move around, and this stuff was continually moving around in it.
Now there has been and still is, a big debate about what space is. Some have argued that if space exists, it is something and cannot consist of nothing. If it can be measured, then it has to be something. Others have thought differently. During the 20th century, great advancements have been made in understanding space. With Einstein’s theory of general relativity, we see that there is a connection between space and time, and that there is really a forth dimension to our 3D space, and we now call it space-time instead of just space. But, even though we know that there is a connection between space and time, and gravity, and the speed of light, and we know that mass and energy are connected with the speed of light, and we can predict the behavior of these things very well with mathematics, we still do not know why and how these things are connected.
Now, I am an old man well into my senior years, and I am a retired engineer with an average intelligence and meager mathematics degree, one who could spend what few years I have left soaking up sun on a southern beach somewhere. I have worked hard all of my life to provide and support my family, and I have managed to save up enough money and assets to modestly get by for a while. I'm not interested at this stage of my life in becoming rich or famous. So with this sentiment, I want to humbly present what I believe to be answers to some of the scientific questions that still remain unanswered.
The key to understanding goes back to what Democritus was thinking. We want to think there is ultimately simplicity and order in what we see in our physical world. We would like to think there is a theory that would encompass all of the physical behavior that we see, and one that could be basically understood by most everyone, not just a handful of mathematicians and scientists. As Stephen Hawking said in his book “A Brief History of Time” “.. if we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists.”
Democritus talked about matter and space. He and some present day scientists still think of these as two separate things. But what if space and matter is the same “stuff” in different forms? What if matter is just compacted space, and it is only through this compaction that we can see it? What if the components of space exist as invisible physical objects, and those elemental objects that Democritus would call atoms are all that the Universe consists of ? All of space, all matter, and anything associated with our Universe would consist solely of these invisible objects. There would be nothing else in the Universe, not even an empty void of nothingness anywhere (or nowhere if you like). This is exactly what I propose! Everything in the Universe consists of “space bubbles”. Then you might say, what about energy, and time, and gravity, and inertia, and the speed of light, all of the properties of the Universe? Well, there is an invisible forth dimension to our Universe as well, a dimension that is the source of all the properties and actions of the Universe! It is invisible space expansion. Each space bubble has a creative source within it that creates new Universe space. This is space that has never existed in the Universe before and comes from something outside of our Universe. The expansion of these bubbles and their interaction with each other competing for room to expand, is what causes our physical reality. Time passes because of this expansion, exhibition of energy exists because of it, gravity and inertia exist because of it, electromagnetic forces exist because of it, and the speed of light limitation exists because that is the rate of bubble expansion.
So there you are in a nut shell. One type of thing causes all that we see as our Universe. If the source of the expansion within each bubble “runs out” all existence will cease! There will be no time nor even a history that the Universe ever existed! Every second is brand new and will never occur again. Be thankful for our existence and humbly coexist with all of it!

I have written a little book about this called “Are We Just Bubbles? An Alternate View of Existence” and there is more detail in how this all works if you are interested. They are available on Amazon or Lulu publishers on demand.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

High Voltage High Power Induction Generator

Following is a description of a compact high power, high voltage, electrostatic induction generator that I am presently working on and building. The metal rotor of this generator is at earth ground potential so that it can be driven directly from a mechanical motor without any hazardous voltages being present in the mechanical mounting and powering of the generator. The rotor and stator plates are laser cut out of aluminum sheets, and are separated by "KAPTON" (Polyimide)film sheets, and the entire assembly is encased and runs in a cooling, lubricating, and insulating oil bath. The rotor and stator plates have the insulating films laminated on them so that the moving parts in contact with one another are all insulating sheets, and therefore no "shavings" or metal particles should be produced to cause breakdown problems.

The switching diodes are high voltage diodes of the type that are used in X-ray power supplies and can withstand at least 100KV PIV. The physical dimensions of the generator described are approximately 10"x10"x4" thick including the housing. 

Rotor and Stator laser cut from one sheet                   Polyimide insulating sheet

A stack of ten rotor and stator plates were assembled onto a drive shaft, and the maximum and minimum capacitor values of the variable capacitor were determined by measuring the capacitive reactance at the two settings.

The power output capability of this type of generator increases linearly with increase in rotation speed and the number of sectors on the plates, and the number of plates. The highest voltage output voltage to input voltage ratio attainable is directly related to the capacitance ratio of the variable capacitor.

Losses in this generator are from diode leakage currents, and dielectric leakage and losses.

Assembled Rotor and Stator Stack

Schematic of Generator

The Supply Voltage Storage Capacitor is initially charged with respect to a neutral voltage ground by the high voltage 20KV trickle supply through the resistor. The charge on the capacitor is Qs = Cs*V = 1mC (Coulomb). Also, and at the same time, the Variable Capacitor is being charged through the high voltage diode D1, and the output storage capacitor remains uncharged, but both sides of it are raised to the 20 KV supply voltage potential. When the variable capacitor is at its maximum value, the charge held on it is: Qv = Cv*V = 64uC.

As the rotor of the variable capacitor turns, it goes through six cycles of maximum and minimum capacitance per revolution, because of the six sectors on each plate. The rotor turns at 1800 RPM, so the frequency of the capacitor cycle is 180 HZ.

Since the diode D1 blocks reverse current back into the supply capacitor when the variable capacitor moves to minimum value, mechanical energy is required to turn the rotor and overcome the attraction of the rotor plates to the stator, and is the conversion means to produce electrical energy from mechanical energy. Also, the voltage starts increasing across the variable capacitor in accordance with V = Q/Cv , as long as the charge on the capacitor remains constant. As the capacitor decreases in capacitance, and the voltage across it increases, diode D2 is forward biased and the current flowing through it charges the High Voltage Storage Capacitor, raising the voltage across it, and some of the current flows through the load resistor. The maximum voltage that can be developed across Cv is equal to Vmax = (Cmax * 20KV)/Cmin. For this particular generator design, the maximum voltage is 98.5KV, and the maximum voltage that can be developed across the storage output capacitor is 98.5KV - 20KV = 78.5KV. So until the storage capacitor reaches this potential, current will flow from the variable capacitor into the storage capacitor on each cycle, raising the storage capacitor voltage. Also, some of the current will flow through the load resistor as well. This process will continue until the current being supplied by the variable capacitor reaches an equilibrium with the current passing through the load resistor at some stable voltage across the capacitor. For this illustration, we will pick a resistor which will cause a stabilization voltage of 40KV across the capacitor, and a maximum voltage of 60KV across the variable capacitor (which is under the 98.5KV max & assures current flow into the load and storage capacitor).

To see what current would be flowing through the load at the point of equilibrium, we will have to look at the charge levels on the variable capacitor at the maximum and minimum levels of capacitance at various voltages.

At 20KV potential and maximum capacitance: Qmax = 20KV * 3.2E-9F = 64uC
At 60KV potential and minimum capacitance: Qmin = 60KV * 6.5E-10F = 39uC Therefore, 64uC - 39uC = 25uC of charge is transferred per cycle or,
25uC * 180 Hz = 4.5 mA current goes into the load at 40 KV and 180 Watts is delivered to the load. The load resistor value would be 40KV/4.5mA = 8.9Mohms

At 50KV output voltage (still 28.5 KV below max available), the power output is:
64uC - 45.5uC = 18.5uC , 18.5uC * 180 = 3.33mA , 3.33mA * 50E3V = 167Watts Resistor Value = 15 Mohms

At 30KV output voltage, the power output is: 64uC - 32.5uC = 31.5uC , 31.5uC * 180 = 5.67mA , 5.67mA * 30E3V = 170 Watts  Resistor Value = 5.3 Mohms

Notice that both the charge current and load current flow back into the Supply Storage Capacitor in the negative direction at the minimum variable capacitance point, replenishing the lost charge required to supply the variable capacitor at its maximum capacitance point in the cycle. And while running, the generator draws no average current from the trickle 20KV supply. It is needed just to replenish any leakage current in the diodes or dielectrics, and set the initial supply voltage on the storage capacitor. Also notice that the maximum power output peaks where the operating voltage on the variable capacitor is about at 2/3 of the maximum voltage attainable on it. 

Copyright Dan Bowlds 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2016



Electrostatic generators come in two categories: friction (triboelectric) and influence (induction) machines. In both cases the generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by separating electrical charges and moving them against the electric forces to a collection point where the charges are stored. The quantity of charges separated and the amount of force it takes to keep them apart is equivalent to the stored electrical energy (plus any losses).


Sliding across a car seat with nylon pants on generates electricity by what is commonly called friction. More accurately, the seat and pants are charged by triboelectrification. When two different materials come into intimate contact, the surface molecules of the materials share electrons, that is, the motion of the electrons swarming around in the molecules cross paths. Some materials have a stronger “hold” on the electrons than others. When the two materials are pulled apart, some of the electrons are trapped on the material that has the stronger hold, giving both materials an equal charge in opposite polarities. This charge is only on the surface of the materials and usually, since the triboelectric materials are also insulators, these charges are not free to move laterally on the surface.



The triboelectric series is a grouping of materials by their ability to hold excess electrons. A partial listing from negative to positive (the most negative materials have the strongest hold on electrons) is: silicone rubber, teflon, PVC, polyethylene, synthetic rubber, brass, copper, paraffin, steel, aluminum, wool, nylon, and glass. There are many circumstantial factors that affect the triboelectric charging process: surface roughness, humidity, and contamination just to name a few. Due to the influence of these external factors, there may be instances when the order listed may be violated (usually only where the two materials are close together in the series though).

An electrophorus is an induction generator and will be used for illustrative purposes for induction because of its simplicity. An electrophorus is a special capacitor. What makes it special is its dielectric material, and its removable capacitor plate. The dielectric material is an “electret” or ferroelectric material with hysteresis. This material has properties similar to its magnetic counterpart; magnets and ferromagnetic materials. The electret will become “electrified” (similar to magnetized) when placed in a strong electric field. This is due to the electric dipoles in the material aligning themselves with the applied electric field. Note that in this case, the effect of the electrification is throughout the material. The dipoles are "locked" into position by subatomic forces acting within the material. The electric field will remain about the electret even after the polarizing field is removed. If an electrically neutral conducting plate is placed on either side of the electret and a wire is then connected between them, charges will flow from one plate to the other until the field created by the displaced charges reaches an equilibrium with the field across the electret. Once the charges are in balance, the wire connecting the two plates together can be removed and the electrophorus looks no different than any other capacitor charged up to a potential equal to the amount of charge displaced by the electret’s intrinsic field.
Figure 2
The amount of charge stored (or displaced) in a capacitor is measured in Coulombs and has the following mathematical relationship with the capacitance and voltage:

(equation A) Q = C V

where: Q = charge in Coulombs, C = capacitance in Farads, and V = potential in Volts

Also, the capacitor has energy stored in it when charged. The energy relationship can be expressed mathematically:

(equation B) J = (V2 C)/2

where: J = energy in Joules

Now if the removable capacitor plate of the electrophorus is removed, the value of the capacitor decreases inversely with the separation of the plates (approximately). Also since the wire connecting the two plates was removed (or the charging voltage source for a capacitor was removed), the charges on the plates are trapped, and remain constant. If equation A is rearranged, it can be seen that the voltage on the capacitor goes up as the capacitance is decreased:

(equation C) V’ = Q/(C - C)
where: C = change in capacitance and V’ = new voltage across capacitor .
If the new voltage and capacitance is substituted into equation B, it can be seen that the energy stored in the resulting capacitor also went up:

(equation D) J’ = (Q/(C-C))2 (C - C)/2 = Q2 /{2(C - C)}

where: J’ = new energy stored in the capacitor

Of course the natural law of conservation of energy says that you can't get something for nothing (don't know why it is, it just is), so it must have taken work to reduce the capacitance. This work is done by separating the capacitor plates against the electrostatic force pulling them together. Work can be defined in terms of applying a force through a distance. This relationship can be expressed mathematically:

(equation E) J = 1.356 F d
where: J = energy in Joules, F = force in pounds, and d = distance in feet.

Essentially, induction generators go about the process of generating static electricity by repeatedly charging up a capacitor, separating the plates, and “collecting” the charge off of the plates using a method described below in the Van de Graaff generator, and discovered by Michael Faraday in the early nineteenth century. The induction generators with metallic plates have brushes that come in contact with them when they are in the “inducing” electric field. This allows the charges to flow between the capacitor plates to reach equilibrium. As the plates are moved away from each other, the brush contacts open up, trapping the charges on the plates. These plates are moved against the electrostatic force to the collectors where another brush makes contact with the charged plate and removes the charges. Once the charges are removed, the plates no longer have a force between them.

The Van de Graaff generator was invented by Robert J. Van de Graaff in the 1930s (US patent # 1,991,236). The VG1 is a Van de Graaff generator that separates the charges by triboelectrification and then uses the charged drive pulley to induce charges on the transport belt. The drive pulley on the motor is made of teflon. It drives the rubber transport belt which is in intimate contact with the pulley. According to the triboelectric series, teflon is more negative than rubber. This means that when the up going side of the rubber belt separates from the teflon drive pulley, a net negative charge exists on the teflon pulley and a positive one on the rubber belt in the localized area of separation. Note that since both materials are insulators, the charges are not free to move on the surface of them. After the drive pulley has turned a few revolutions, it has a uniform negative charge all around its circumference. The rubber belt traveling up to the collector sphere has a positive charge on the inside of surface of it (side contacting the drive pulley). It travels up to the collector where the charges are removed as explained later. When the belt comes down it is neutral (has the charges on the inside removed).
A conductive brush with many sharp points is placed on the opposite side of the rubber belt where the negatively charged pulley and belt are in contact. The sharp points allow the surrounding air to ionize easily in the presence of an electric field. The brush has a wire connected to it which connects to the inside of a metal hemispherical base cover. Both this cover and the hollow collector sphere at the top of the Van de Graaff generator behave in such a way that any charge that is placed in it or taken away from it from the inside, will have an immediate affect on the apparent total outside charge. That is, any charge that is brought inside the sphere (or hemisphere) will immediately be seen as adding to or subtracting from the total charge on the outside of the sphere even though it still resides inside. Another thing, if the charge that was brought inside is allowed to come into contact with the inside of the conductive hollow sphere, the charge will immediately be transferred to the outside, and no net charge will then reside inside the sphere. This will be the case no matter how great the charge outside the sphere or how small the brought in charge was.
Now at the brush points where the rubber belt and teflon are in contact, the teflon pulley has a negative charge and the rubber belt is neutral (the inside of the belt doesn't obtain the positive charge until the belt and pulley separate further around the pulley, and the down going side is neutralized prior to leaving the collector globe). The negative charge on the pulley will cause electrons to be pushed off of the brush points on the opposite side of the belt . When the field is strong enough, electrons from the air molecules in the vicinity of the brush jump off to the brush points, creating positively ionized molecules. These molecules are free to move and are attracted to the negatively charged pulley on the other side of the belt. They move until they come into intimate contact with the top side of the belt (since they cannot travel through it). They become attached to the belt in a way similar to the attachment of the triboelectric materials to each other, although these attachment forces are not fully understood. Once attached, it requires a force to separate the ions from the belt even after the field that caused them to become attached is removed. It is this force that allows the ions to remain attached to the belt while it is being moved up to the collector, and it is this force that when exceeded will cause the ions to detach and limit the amount of charge the generator can output. The action is such that a net positive charge per unit area will reside on the top side of the up going belt. The charges are then moved up toward the collector sphere against the electrostatic forces. They are brought inside the collector sphere, and then are allowed to come in contact with the inside of the sphere with the aid of a collector brush, at which time they are transferred to the outside of the collector. The rubber belt is neutralized at this point and then continues back out of the sphere carrying no charge out with it. This process continues with the voltage building up on the sphere by the addition of charge until breakdown occurs. In the case of the VG1, that is around 70,000 volts. 

Figure 3
The Wimshurst machine, named after the British inventor James Wimshurst, is an induction generator. It has two collectors, one positive and one negative, and two counter rotating disks with metal sectors attached to them. The sectors act as movable plates of a capacitor. In operation, an electric field exists between the two collectors. Two of the sectors which are displaced off the collector center line by some angular distance, come into contact with a diagonal shorting bar (also commonly called neutralizing bars). This bar connects the two plates together electrically and causes charges to move from one plate to the other while charging up the capacitance between each plate and its respective collector. The same thing is happening to the sectors on the counter rotating disk on the opposite side. As the disks continue to rotate, the shorting bar brushes break contact and trap the displaced charges on the sectors. These sectors are then rotated away from the charged collector that induced the charge on them and are forced to move (mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy) toward the other collector which is charged in the same polarity as the moving sector. When the charged sector reaches the collector, a collector brush contacts it and transfers the charge in a similar manner to the description given in the Van de Graaff generator.
In a “plateless” generator like the WM1, ions take the place of metallic plates. Another difference in the WM1 is that it only has one rotating disk, and it has separate inductor pole pieces instead of using the collectors as the inductors. Other than this, the principal of operation is the same as the Wimshurst machine. Ions from air molecules (oxygen and nitrogen) are formed at the neutralizing combs due to the high field strength induced by the field pole pieces on the sharp edges of the combs. These ions are attracted toward the disk by the pole pieces and get “stuck” on the disk similar to the ions attaching to the Van de Graaff rubber belt. The disk rotates around to the collector combs where the charged ions are stripped off in a manner similar to the metal plate and Van de Graaff generators, adding the charge to the collectors. As the charge builds up on the collectors to a level higher than that on the field pole pieces, the electric field between the probe rods and the collector pole pieces causes ions to be formed at the probe rod tips. The ions are mobile and can transfer more charge to the pole pieces, increasing the field strength. This process continues until an equilibrium is reached from leakage, corona, or breakdown.
Typically higher voltages can be generated with a “plateless” generator than one with plates. This is because the plates have edges and will cause the field on the plate to be uneven. As the voltage on the plate increases the higher field strength on the edges will ionize the air around it and will carry off some of the charge on the plate. This energy is then lost and winds up as chemical energy (ozone, etc.) or is lost to heat.    
   Small Van de Graaff Generator  in operation (video) 
Induction Machine Operation (Video of Induction Machine)